A Blog
Infrequent, verbose thoughts on software and leadership
Turbocharging 'readr'
The 'readr' package is a fast reader for text data files, and with a couple of tricks, we can make it even faster by only reading the parts of the files we care about.
Back to the Future
Maintaining R packages on CRAN sometimes means you have to find creative ways to ensure that your code runs on different platforms and on multiple versions of R---even ones that haven't been released yet.
Integrating 'pkgdown' with Your Personal Website
You don't have to be a web developer to have smooth flow and consistent style across your personal website or blog and your R package websites.
Getting Down with pkgdown
Building a beautiful website for your R package is a great way to improve its documentation, usability, and visibility. 'pkgdown' makes it easy to build your site, particularly if you follow these conventions.
httptest 2.3.2 Released
The latest 'httptest' 📦 release provides tools for automatically redacting sensitive information from your test fixtures so that you never accidentally publish your auth tokens. It also includes a number of smaller fixes and enhancements based on user suggestions.
One-Hour Package
Here's the story of the time I wrote a R package for an undocumented web API in under an hour, with documentation and full test coverage. With the right tools, creating an API client can be quick and painless.
Better Management Through Code
When becoming an engineering leader means you don't have time to write code anymore, scratch your itch by automating some of your management duties.
7 Hard Testing Problems Made Easy By httptest
Testing code that communicates with remote APIs can be challenging, but it doesn't have to be. The 'httptest' package for R makes testing HTTP code simple. Here are some examples of scenarios that are easily testable using httptest.